Resource Academia Shaheen Campus
Message from Shaheen Campus
Allama Iqbal has used the "Shaheen" as a symbol for his concept of Mard-i-Momin, a true Muslim with his developed personality, ego, and attributes of a perfect man. Symbol " Shaheen" stands for a powerful courageous, ever rising and ever victorious human being who blessed with inexhaustible energy, resourcefulness, great ideas, hard life and hot pursuit. We wish our students to fit in Allama's concept of "Shaheen".
About US
Shaheen Campus is located on the main East Canal Road Faisalabad, Pakistan for Preschool, Primary, Middle and Senior levels pupils schooling needs. Since 2014,Shaheen Campus is firmly committed to provide the highest quality educational experience for all students.
Shaheen Campus, is a Cambridge Accredited School follows a skill-based-curriculum, extensively used by international schools around the world. It is a detailed, planned and integrated scheme covering a child's whole school experience, from the age of 3 to 18.
Our Mission
We aim to provide contemporary knowledge to the future generations of Pakistan and educate them in the world’s most advanced disciplines in order to prepare them for the challenges ahead. It is our endeavor to inculcate in them the spirit of enterprise and the desire to excel. To that end we have a commitment to provide equal learning opportunities from the elementary to the higher secondary level.
Our Vision
Is to inspire children towards Higher Learning
To promote life-long learning
To enable students' to be an innovative, confident and responsible individual of this society